A place for good people and good beer.

Est. 2014
Hideaway Park Brewery was started in 2014 to fill the niche of a small gathering place for friends and acquaintances. In an attempt to garnish the local history, the brewery is named after the original settlement of the area: Hideaway Park. Stop in and have a pint! Come alone or bring your friends, there's sure to be someone to bullshit with over a pint.

Winter Park's skier and MTB community hub
Hideaway started with a love for beer but has turned into a community hub for all things bikes and skis. From group rides to after work skinning laps, Hideaway hears about it all. Get outside and swing by for a refreshing beer afterwards to exchange stories and a laugh.

What sets us apart
With a brand new brew system and one of the best brewers on the planet behind it, our beer speaks for itself. You can get the behind the scenes peek here and see what is on tap.